Dive into the enchanting realm of animation and video games in this episode of "Alison's Wonderland." Join our host, Alicyn Packard, as she engages in an enthralling conversation with the multi-talented Tyler Rhoads, a renowned voice actor and director in the animation and gaming industry. Discover the behind-the-scenes magic of projects like Starfield and Redfall, and explore the intricate world of voice acting and direction in this insightful and engaging episode. Perfect for enthusiasts of animation and video games, this episode promises to be a memorable journey through the voices and visions that bring our favorite digital worlds to life. So, settle in, turn up the volume, and let's embark on this extraordinary exploration together.
[02:00] Starfield Deep Dive
[05:27] Recording Experiences During the Pandemic
[09:13] Acting Highlights: Voltron and More
[14:25] Voice Directing Process
[23:06] Exploring MoCap and PCap in Gaming
[28:14] Video Game Industry and Labor Movements
Stay updated with Alicyn here:
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Website: https://www.alicynpackard.com/
Follow Tyler Rhoads:
Instagram: http://instagram.com/kingoftherhoads
Website: https://www.kingoftherhoadscreative.com/
Alicyn's Wonderland | Inside the World of Animation & Games
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